Sunday, November 25, 2018

ILP “Design” – Prezi


       For the design aspect of my ILP #2, I decided to create a Prezi power point to practice creating educational content. To attempt something different from English related topics, I chose a social science (Psychology) to branch out. A psychologist who I found influential and inspiring that I remember learning about was Kurt Lewin. Therefore, I wanted to experiment in Prezi to make a mock-presentation for a class!

Prezi on Kurt Lewin

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Blog Post #10

Blog Post #10

      Surveys for data collecting and reporting are spectacular resources for an educator. This means I can utilize Qualitrics at the beginning of the school year to gather data. In the future, I want to be a high school English teacher for grades 11th and 12th. I can create a Qualitrics to survey my class on which books they would prefer to read, and which genres interest them more. For example, I can have a multiple choice question that asks, "Which horror book would you rather read this October?"

A. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley


B. Pet Semetary by Stephen King

      Data from questions like these can them be compiled onto Excel for me to analyze. When looking over their responses, Excel can organize my information so I can interpret the data and average answers. In addition, these two programs can help me get my students more engaged in the classroom by reading books that they like more. This helps me get to know them and their interests before the year lifts off!

      I had an amazing time reviewing my classmates' blogs on Blogger! I thought it was insightful to read their opinions on educational technology. As a future English teacher, I had the privilege of viewing the various other subjects that my classmates wanted to instruct. To also witness their progress and snippets of their projects were interesting. When I saw how the other websites, presentations, and ILP's were laid out, I compared them to mine. The different use of color, information, and layouts were beneficial to analyze the differences in teaching styles. One additional aspect that I loved seeing was the blog on the Tech Sandbox. To see which devices people loved in contrast to mine helped me get to know their interests more as teachers.

      There are so many technological skills that I can learn to better myself as an educator. A particular skill that catches my eye is how to create a podcast or educational talk show. This skill has always interested me because I love listening to them when driving or walking around the Florida State campus. In addition, I believe that discussion and expression of thoughts with other people is extremely vital for educators. To achieve this, I plan to watch YouTube videos and other tutorials on how to start one up. I will get the help of friends who are also educators to be on the show with me. In time and practice, I know that I can create an engaging podcast for discussing educational technology for my school and other teachers across the nation.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Blog Post #9

Blog Post #9

      The "Flipped Classroom" is a new phenomenon that has turned the original conceptions of education upside down. This is a term that describes the newer method of teaching and instruction in America. Online discussions and activities exist for students to learn at home, while assignments that would usually be done at home get worked on in class with the teacher. This is beneficial because students come to class more prepared and aware of the knowledge they need to know, and can follow up with questions for the teacher in class. Another benefit is that since the "traditional homework assignments" are done in class, the student can utilize their peers and their teacher for immediate assistance. In my eyes, this instructional design is exceptional and I envision using this model for my future classroom.
      Open educational resources (OERs) are various tools that are free to use, modify, redistribute, and so on for the purpose of education. These resources all contain property rights, that can be memorized as the five R's. These include the rights to retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute. An OER can be a document, a lesson plan, and even a video. A OER site that I found fascinating was the Open Education Consortium. This is a website that aims to connect the world through the goal of open education, as it compiles information from over 240 schools. All of this information is free to use the five R's with, as there are open textbooks, webinars, and digital media for anyone to learn with.

      My time creating the two separate PowerPoints has been quite a challenge. I have learned how to edit slide details in the slide master, where I can create multiple slides and customize the layout. I also have learned how to make it where you can disable the "next slide" option so you must click specific buttons to progress. I even learned how to record a voice presentation for the first assignment, as I always wondered how I could do that. Following that, I have discovered how to format pictures with text to make the slides easy on the eyes for an audience to read and follow along. I loved creating the content for both projects, but dislike how long it took me to do them. These assignments were interesting to play with, but for next time I must learn how to work faster instead of spending hours trying to adjust options. Another positive aspect was that I felt as if I was really an educator making these power points for my students. This put me in the role of a teacher wanting to make an exciting game for his class. In addition, next time around I can include more images to make the content more engaging!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Blog Post #8

Blog Post #8

      While working with the application named "Diigo" I picked up various skills that will benefit me down the line. Using the tool has made me conscious of the CRAAP guidelines, as they make me recall whether a source is valid. The tool also helped me grow in my personal learning network, as I interacted with others online through sharing and commenting. By reading tons of other sources and articles, it helped me analyze which pieces of information that I found beneficial. Since I highlighted and left comments for the author, I was growing my own learning by sorting through the articles' data. Diigo can be used for my classroom, team members, and beyond to teach us how to better connect with others when sharing or discussing information on line. I can use it to teach us the CRAAP guidelines and to practice remembering them. Following that, we can use it for group projects or other efforts to compile data quickly and store it on the Diigo database for easy access!
      PowerPoint by Microsoft can be a splendid tool to help students develop at every level of Bloom's Taxonomy. I can imagine a scenario where I would have my students make a PowerPoint to teach the class on a book that they read. This interactive book report would go through every level of the Taxonomy. They would have to create a new work (their PP) based off of a preexisting work (the book itself). Second, they would have to evaluate the book, as they can argue its meaning, defend the author's purpose, and/or support their interpretation of the source if it's vague. Then, they would analyze the book in regards to other sources. This can be done by linking it to other written works through comparing and contrasting elements like characters, setting, tone, plot, and more. Next, they would apply the book's information to outside situations. This is where they would demonstrate the information that they learned in new ways, such as teaching how they analyzed the book's meanings through context clues. Stemming from that, they would express how they understand the material, showing the class through discussion and dialogue that they know what they're talking about. Lastly, they would demonstrate how they remember their book, as they must present to the class by just using slides containing little information, as they must rely on memory to present their book. All in all, this lesson would highlight all the levels of Bloom's Taxonomy as they present to the class their learning and growth in the process of discovering new literature.
      Technology is a phenomenon that assists in driving a teacher's professional development. By staying updated on the current trends and adaptations give teachers an edge in developing not only themselves, but their students. How can we expect students to grow and advance their learning if their educators are not up to the standards and rates that our society is moving at? EdX is a website that specializes in bringing teachers up to speed on our modern world of educational technology. The site offers courses on personal development that come from the world's highest echelon of schools and institutions. On EdX you can find "How To" videos on making presentations, learning new lesson plans or materials, and detailed videos/articles on advancements in educational technology! Websites like this one are an amazing resource for educators who recognize the importance of staying up to date and informed on the ever changing world around us!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Blog Post #7

Blog Post #7

      My Twitter experience has been very engaging up to this point! I would not have been able to connect with fellow students, teachers, and organizations without it. By following accounts such as Edutopia, Pearson, and Education Week, I am able to see the modern developments of educational technology. Interesting articles provide examples on trends in education, how to better teach students, and includes beneficial tips on how to be the best educator possible. I have grown in the way that I connect with others, as I now share tweets with classmates and comment on their shared tweets everyday. This has kept me accountable and constantly checking Twitter for more engaging articles and peer commentary. As previously mentioned, Twitter is phenomenal for connecting across the globe, discovering intriguing news and information about our world, and to express your personal learning network through social media. The only issue that I have experienced is that I often spend too much time on the site, as I find it entertaining, but also very distracting!

      The Web Design assignment has inspired me to flex my creativity with designing the page. Furthermore, I learned how to determine what information students would need, such as links to helpful websites such as Owl Purdue. Another skill that I acquired was learning how to format a website, which is something I have never done before. Now for my future, I can have a slightly easier time building my own website for a class since I have prior experience. Overall, I heavily struggle with graphic designing and assignments such as these, so I have not particularly loved this assignment. I do not design things quickly or efficiently, so I spend many hours doing these tasks. Next time, I can include more color or interesting images for my class, or maybe even a real life picture of our class when I have one. I can also include more information about me, so parents and students can feel like they know who I am in a better sense. In regard to my future, I have activated my imagination to anticipate what future me would want to say to students and parents. I have even learned how to research and compile a page of links that can assist my students, which I'll aim to remember down the line.

      Assistive and adaptive technologies are devices or tools that benefit people with disabilities and learning difficulties. They are basically designed to ensure that everyone can learn as effectively as they can, and not be left behind in the classroom. The goal is to maximize their opportunities in a way that considers their needs. My friend had to use a keyboard that made it easier to type when he was in a wheelchair after a car accident. His main writing/typing hand was broken, so the keyboard was able to be in reach and could be raised, lowered, or extended for his non-broken hand to type. In my future classroom, I see challenges with the technology. I worry that I will not be able to properly accommodate for a student with a disability as of now, since I do not have much experience with the technology and need training with it. Another glaring issue is the affordability of the technology, as the student, school, or even myself may not be able to purchase or provide the technology that a student may need to have a quality education.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Blog Post #6

Blog Post #6: Teacher Responsibilities

      A school website can be a wonderful resource to connect with students, parents, and fellow teachers. To analyze with a real-life example, I took a quick glance at a random school that I searched from Google called Osbourn Park High. The school houses students from grades 9th to 12th, and includes information such as an academic calendar that discusses important testing dates and days off. Following that, there is a faculty and staff list with emails provided to contact every member, along with an extensive list of courses that the school provides for students (AP, Honors, Remedial, etc.). Detailed information about specific classes was hidden from me, as the site provided a private Canvas login for students and parents only. However, I found a specific 12th grade Language Arts teacher named Matthew Hoffman, with a class page for his seniors. His page listed out the days which his classes are on, his contact information (email and phone number), and he displayed his office hours. The educator included two tabs titled "Useful Links" and "Files and Documents." Unfortunately, Hoffman's links are not active or working, and the only file I could view was his class syllabus. Out of curiosity, I checked the other Language Arts teachers' pages, and found similar results. Most only contained the class syllabus, course times, and the teacher's contact information.

      With all the responsibilities that educators have, technology is an important ally for us. In the near future, I envision myself utilizing an online grade-book database such as Canvas. This system would help me distribute assignments and announcements, record student grades, and be able to directly contact students or parents wherever they are. Being able to prevent the consumption and the clutter of paper, along with the mobile access seems immensely beneficial. Another way that technology can assist me in effectively teaching is with a blog on Blogger or with a monthly class newsletter. I would distribute it online (and in person if needed) so parents can be aware of upcoming dates, testing schedule, and other information for their child. By designing a website for the class, I can address concerns before parents have to contact me and ask. This will save time for myself and the families, as loads of information can be distributed on the go. Having parents up to date is vital, and this allows me to appear professional and to communicate with them effectively. 
      When my group visited the Technology Sandbox, the augmented reality device stuck was the most distinct. While wearing the headset, users can be transported to a whole new dimension where everything they see feels realistic and engaging. This device seems phenomenal for a classroom, as you can simulate virtually any scenario. For my future English classroom, I could use the AR to show students the time era or setting that the literary work takes place in. For example, when teaching Romeo and Juliet, I would show 16th-17th century Verona, Italy to assist the students in imagining where the characters and story lines are interacting. The AR can also be utilized for students who are having a rough day and need a quick break to recharge themselves. By entering this calm and separate world, they can hopefully ease their minds for a couple of minutes and then return to class focused.

ILP “Design” – Prezi

ILP #2 - DESIGN        For the design aspect of my ILP #2, I decided to create a Prezi power point to practice creating educational ...